Starship Simulator - Change Log
Released 2022-09-11
- 0000416: [Magellan Class] Non exclusive chairs (QA Team)
- 0000356: [Magellan Class] Dropping objects fall through the floor (QA Team)
- 0000296: [Magellan Class] Tablet Clips through Floor? (QA Team)
- 0000363: [Magellan Class] Main/Pause Menu Bugs (QA Team)
- 0000380: [Magellan Class] Spinning really fast and then ragdolling makes you a weapon (QA Team)
- 0000357: [Magellan Class] Sitting down while running (QA Team)
- 0000388: [Magellan Class] Turning while sitting can result in you rotating around the chair (QA Team)
- 0000440: [Magellan Class] Can't sit in conference room seats (Developers)
- 0000456: [Magellan Class] rendered hud (QA Team)
9 issues View Issues