Reporter | InGameReport | Assigned To | Developers | |
Priority | none | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | confirmed | Resolution | open | |
Product Version | 225 | |
Summary | 0001590: sound from confrence room tv |
Description | when listening to music via it if I leave the room the music cuts out even if the door is open |
Tags | No tags attached. |
GameMode | Single Player |
Deck | A |
GalaxyCoords | -26670, 0, 56
LocalCoords | 4860693514490, 4552298581142, 13470325417309 |
Camera | Loc=[X=2235.856 Y=-161.046 Z=260.893] Rot=[P=-15.340914 Y=-137.135702 R=-0.000000] |
Level | /Game/Starships/Magellan_Class/Levels/Magellan_Class |