Reporter | InGameReport | Assigned To | QA Team | |
Priority | none | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | closed | Resolution | no change required | |
Product Version | | |
Summary | 0001352: I found a hole in the ship... Its more of a bent panel, but yeah.... |
Description | I guess its not a bug, its just a panel that doesn't seem to be attached, and so after stumbling in to a very large internal area on the habitation ring, I noticed I saw light (I am travelling in FTL at the moment)... I went towards what looked like a light half arc, and then noticed it was the corner of a panel of the outside of the ship that well isn't bent or something. Hope this is helpful. |
Steps To Reproduce | Sorry the entire area I am in is dark and of course the torch only gives so much light. But basically I went to the habitation ring, tried to head where I though the big windows on the front of the ship were(The Park?). Then somewhere I walked in to a gray area, and next thing I know I passed an opening in a Jeffrey's Tube so I was kinda in the internals, and then I saw that half arc of light and found it was the ship's skin, and it was bent ever so slightly and not sealed!! :) Hopefully this is helpful. I am more than happy to work a little harder to figure out where I am if needed. This is the Alpha Tech Demo 2, so maybe you already found this. Anyway email me at echo9@echo9.org, or ping my discord below if you want more details. |
Tags | No tags attached. |
GameMode | Single Player |
Deck | E |
GalaxyCoords | -24792, 48, 48
LocalCoords | -74191865942915056, 46804389128408096, -215164289139306816 |
Camera | Loc=[X=5914.171 Y=-7635.586 Z=-1097.840] Rot=[P=40.780319 Y=-132.079808 R=-0.000000] |
Level | /Game/Starships/Magellan_Class/Levels/Magellan_Class |