Reporter | InGameReport | Assigned To | QA Team | |
Priority | none | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | closed | Resolution | no change required | |
Product Version | | |
Summary | 0001295: Clipping through stars |
Description | Hi. I am not sure if this is by design due to the nature of FTL etc but after using the drive to enter Alpha Centuri next to the star, i changed course to explore the gas giant in the system. I engaged FTL and went straight through the Star? Is this simply due to limited functionality (ie. Stars not actually having heat / causing damage) or intentional due to FTL travelling? If so ignore me but thought it was worth pointing out. |
Steps To Reproduce | As above |
Tags | No tags attached. |
GameMode | Single Player |
Deck | A |
GalaxyCoords | -25848, 49, 46
LocalCoords | 8668630442196, 29153026467537, -54995340713035 |
Camera | Loc=[X=-463.897 Y=-0.038 Z=226.557] Rot=[P=-14.152073 Y=-177.020535 R=-0.000000] |
Level | /Game/Starships/Magellan_Class/Levels/Magellan_Class |