Starship Simulator - Change Log
Released 2023-06-10
- 0000874: [Magellan Class] Player Character - Collision isn't removed when logging out (QA Team)
- 0000875: [Magellan Class] When people exit a chair, their name remains on the chair (QA Team)
- 0000836: [Magellan Class] The first few min8utes of joining as a client there is horrible rubbewrbanding going on.. (QA Team)
- 0000663: [Magellan Class] Customisation - The dragbar on the newly added color things feels "laggy" (QA Team)
- 0000872: [Magellan Class] Reminder - No one is going to press enter to save, when save is right there - Character Custo (QA Team)
- 0000830: [Magellan Class] Reminder - Helm: Ship Steering via keyboard (QA Team)
- 0000605: [Magellan Class] sensor console focus (QA Team)
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